Monday, December 22, 2008


It amazes me how much can change in a single semester, as well as how much can stay the same. This past semester has brought me to several conclusions about myself and the people around me. I've discovered who my true friends are, I've discovered what I want from life, and I've discovered who I am. The hardest of those things for me to find was most definitely myself. I had an awesome experience on Friday night. With two of my closest friends, I watched a past that I no longer depend on, literally go up in smoke. It felt so good to know that part of my life is over forever.  It is a part of me, and I would never want to change that, but the pain is gone. I have never felt so happy and complete within myself. I can see where I can still grow and change and I'm not intimidated or let down by that. I look forward to the challenge and I can't wait to see what the future holds for me! I know more hard times are in the future, (it wouldn't be life otherwise!) but I know I can make it. I have great friends and family who love me and will see me through, not to mention my Heavenly Father and Christ. With all of them at my side, I know I can do anything! Thank you so much Agnes and Beth! You guys have saved me so many times! Thanks for loving me for who I am!


Jeremy and Joy Stevens said...

love you and miss you too!

Sarah said...

Love you girl! Thanks for letting us be a part of your special night and finding the strength in yourself to gain that closure! Keep it up!!!