Sunday, October 5, 2008

Spiritual Awakenings

I had the chance to spend the weekend with my two favorite uncles in the whole world and an aunt that is such a sweetheart and a fantastic cook. I loved going to their home, it was such a spirit booster for me. I had the chance to go to General Conference and it was amazing. As the closing prayer was being said in the first session I went to, it hit me, I had seen the prophet! I was in the same room as the prophet, I could see him standing in front of me, hear his voice echoing in the giant building. I had such a strong confirmation that President Monson is a prophet of God and that I got to see him. It just completely blew me away. I also loved all of the talks that were given this conference. I know I'm not the only one, but I feel that so may of them were directed towards me, and thinking about it, I felt so comforted in knowing I wasn't the only one in my situation, that there are others who understand what I'm going through. I believe it was Elder Cook who gave the talk, and in there he stated, "There is no affliction or sorrow that the atonement and the love of Christ cannot prevail." Or something to that effect. I needed to hear that. I seem to be forgetting lately that Christ understands what I go through in my life better than I do and that He has been there. I felt the love of my Heavenly Father and Savior overflow into me when I heard that statement, and I know, I am not alone. No matter how dark the way may seem, I am never alone. I can't even begin to describe what joy I feel with that statement. The last thing I want to talk about is a section of scripture that has recently become my favorite: II Nephi 4:15-35. I learned through my Book of Mormon class that it is called the "Psalm of Nephi" and that "reading this psalm aloud can bring solace to a troubled soul." I highly recommend reading this section, it brought a lot of comfort to me and was the answer to a prayer. It's truly amazing how the Lord works through the scriptures. 

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