Monday, September 29, 2008

My Island

Do you have a world inside your mind? I do. It's a wonderful escape when reality is simply just falling short. In my world there are always stars in the sky and when I'm there I lay in soft grass, the cool wind brushes my face, and I feel complete serenity in this solitude. My paradise is an island and I can see the ocean surrounding me, yet there are mountains and forests that cover the terrain, the snow caps glowing in the moonlight and the trees swaying with the breeze, in time with the music that is silent, yet resounding inside of me. In this place I can do anything and be anything. I can choose to feel or not to feel, to be or not to be. In this magical state of mind, I can open my wings and fly until I become one with the wind and I travel into a state of complete freedom, the wind taking me where she feels. I feel complete control over myself and my surroundings and that power is so satisfying even if it is only real for that small moment when I'm on my island. I come back to earth and I feel as though I've been hit in the back of the head. Reality has too much gravity in it and not enough room to fly. But at the same time, I try and find the beauty around me and embrace it. For while I may always be able to escape to my island, if I could somehow find a way to escape in the beauty of this world, then I can only imagine what I would discover.


Jeanette said...

i love you more than i can possibly say.

and we need to go for a drive to explore all the beautiful places around here while they're still pretty.


steph j. said...

That was beautiful and I love this I about you. So now that I said that...I want to see more picturesof you and hear about what you are doing! Oh and we miss you!

steph j. said...

Email me your email address so I can invite you to my blog, I just went private.