Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Real Courage

Courage. When this word comes up, it is usually in regards to some great "hero". A person who performs amazing acts of service. Not to diminish those acts, but I believe that the truest acts of courage occur when there is no applause or cheering crowds. Sadly enough, the most courageous acts I have ever witnessed or been told of, are those silent performances that are misunderstood by the public eye; and thus are usually scorned and taunted. I suppose the reason I am thinking about this, is that I have recently been told of people that have performed these secret acts of courage, but to those watching, it appeared to be a deceitful, stupid, or a wrong thing to do. And I just hope we will all remember that there is always another side to the story. That a person could be going through unspeakable pain or hardship, and that it is not our place to judge them. I know I have been situations like that fairly recently. I have come to a point where I have had to say no, or back out of things I wouldn't usually back out of, and it is because I needed to take care of myself. A broken wheel can't pull a cart, and a broken person can't help fix the world. One person that I know perfectly represents this kind of courage is my Savior, Jesus Christ. People refused to see what His actions meant, and convinced others that His acts were evil and wrong. Despite this, He quietly and lovingly healed the sick, raised the dead, and brought eternal truths to the earth. Christ had real courage. He didn't work for applause or fame, He worked for love. That is real courage. Facing the darkness when there seems to be no light ahead, but going forward with faith. I have so much respect and admiration for anyone who does that, especially because that is something I have a lot of trouble with sometimes. I guess I just need to remember that though the way may appear dark, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are right there next to me. If I hold onto that, I know I can make it through anything. 

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