Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Call me a maniac!

"Be fanatics. When it comes to being, doing and dreaming the best, be maniacs." ~A.M. Rosenthal

This quote got me thinking. I've always heard the idea of "reach for the stars" in regards to dreams. This thought always brings this mental image to my mind: some person standing with their arms raised high above their heads, arms straining, reaching for those bright patches of light that are so far above them, impossible to reach. So now I'm considering the question, why do we reach? Why do we try so hard to obtain what appears to be impossible? It's an intriguing question really. But I think that the reaching is what makes dreams so amazing. What would be the point of going after something that has been done? What would there be to aspire for? So I have decided that I want to be a maniac. I want to reach for the stars until my arms fall off. And people may laugh and point and call me crazy but when I finally grab that star and fly to the moon, they will be eating my dust. Then who will be laughing? Anyway, I just think it's so cool that God has given us the desire to reach for the things that appear impossible. He gives us a chance to see how strong our spirits really are. So call me a "fanatical maniac", I'm going to chase those dreams, and catch me some stars.


Sarah said...

You go girl! Sounds like you are seriously finding yourself and enjoying the process! Love it & love you!

Jeremy and Joy Stevens said...

You will be the one to do it! I'm proud of you for being brave! Love you!