Thursday, September 11, 2008

Totally Agnus....

Today was "crack your head against the math book till your skull bleeds" day, and for those who don't know, that means Jennie goes a little crazy. I was in such a moment when Agnus gave me a call. I was at what I like to call "the psycho point". In this state of mind, the sad things become hugely depressing, and the funny things are simply hysterical. In our conversation, Agnus proceeded to tell me how her body is falling apart but how there is a silver lining in that she gets to spend a fair amount of time on her "bottom", collapsed upon the couch, relaxing. That sure sounded good to me at the time as I was doing the devil's work a.k.a. calculus. Anyway, in mid sentence, Agnus suddenly declares "I can't believe I got this!", and starts to laugh. For the sake of the family name, I am afraid I cannot continue. I will only say this; these items that Agnus so mistakenly stumbled upon (so she claims), got this reaction out of a boy I was studying with, "Tell her to hold on to them. You never know." To which Agnus replied, "Is he volunteering?" Fill in the gaps how you will, just know whatever thoughts you may're probably right. Oh and Agnus, remember, you've only got two....

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