Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Being alone or feeling alone, completely different things

The concept of being alone has always fascinated me. In the world today, a person is hardly ever truly alone. There is always a cell phone, computer, or another communication device handy, where someone is begging for your attention. Why is it then that a person can feel totally and completely isolated in this world where no one is ever alone? Is it a state of mind? A state of being? What causes a person to feel that way? Why is it so hard to find comfort from this isolation even when that comfort comes from other people? It's so strange to me. I don't understand why someone can feel alone, and yet being with other people brings no comfort. As I'm typing this I think I kind of have an answer. I wonder if it's because this isolation really is inside of ourselves and has really nothing to do with external forces. So as weird as it sounds, I think that we need to learn how to not feel alone inside, despite what is going on around us. Interesting concept. Not feeling alone yet physically being alone. Two completely different things. I wonder if anyone has really mastered that. And if they have, I wonder what it would feel like to never be lonely.

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